Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Put Batteries In The Euro Sealer

It Has Been a good week-end overall. Went to Inferno and danced like a loon for a couple of hours. Both WAS Daytime busy days with lessons, although re-scheduled Were Many from the week-but still good That They Did not just fall through. Last Night I Went To [info] na11e1y ; 's birthday dinner at the Churchill Arms in Kensington, WAS Which Both cheap and tasty, always a good combination, Even Better if in good company. Went with Them to Dead and Buried But Was a bit too tired so only Had one pint (or WAS it two?), Took A Few pics, chatten with a FEW people and Went home.

Today ... late slow start in the morning, Which I Needed, leisurely breakfast, gym session (still hate the place but it is good for me, innit) and then busybusy with lessons till quite late. Not too bad overall.

Just learning through  [info] arkady 's  DW  that Gary Moore died today. At my age. And somebody I know from the Apple Mac world had a heart attack and several emergency operations this week. At 36. Eek. Reminders of the thin ice we so carelessly tread...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bearded Dragon Lizard Dirt Bikes 3.14

Arrived home from the Ballroom at 2:15 or so. Promptly But Fell asleep woke up very early, still dark, and Could not go back to sleep. So I Picked up the ipad and Open the book I Had Been reading, ' Life of Pi' by Yann Martel Which Had Been Given away in Apple's iTunes Christmas promotion. I wasn't too sure about the book Because of it HAVING Been Given away free and suffuse That The Religious Connotations Through It, as well as the hint of allegory always round the corner, all Things Which Tend to put me off. The main scenario of the book is so implausible, so very very implausible ... and yet with all that's it is a gripping read, at least for me! one has to always Qualify Those Things, What is as fascinating for me soporific May Be For You and The Other Way ro

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Do I Need To Do To Get My Rail Registered Birthday week

Congratulations to laida66, brisun and Askin, the birthday girl this week. I hope you paseis great and not a juju for you birthday, mr. mazizón awaits you at the piltra, tironcillos besazo and ears for the three

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long Dong Silverin Action IMO

EQUIRED, and although it has always been, the panic around the fandom is just a consequence. Do not differentiate reality from fantasy. Yes, they love Cassiopeia but they will not do everything for us because obviously they are first. Prove you are a pillar for them, and they are a pillar for you.
Overall: neither side should demand anything, just being next to each other unconditionally .... Without losing his own life in the process. How should I put it contradict? Just have faith if that is what you want ~


Crosstich Tapestry Uk

For Reasons That Do not Go into this (and Which I Had forgotten by the time I got there ... Probably Something to do with the Advancing .. years) Iwas looking for a sample of the original 'Mind the Gap' Tube announcement When I ran Into freesound , a library of sounds (Rather Than music clips or songs) under Creative Commons license. Still exploring it at the moments when to turn up late Pupils. Interesting and Potentially Useful as a source of sound samplesl.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blueprint For A Bunny Hutch

Have I Mentioned

how much I dislike this place? Today it's full of giggly teenage girls, WAS thinking of [info] crookedmonkey 's post this morning ...

It's good for me Though (I keep telling myself): -0

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Female To Female Panyhose Wrestling

It seems to work. After awhile back to show signs of life around here. And begin to fill again the agendas of examinations and soon (although the time is still too long) will be filled with racing events. Let's see if I can be more here for those dates and say something. Where it does

comment is a page I have with some friends. I spoke a few blog entries ago, right? Well, we've transformed this blog into a website. The just started, so there is not too many items, but gradually filled. I hope

Friday, January 21, 2011

Toe Is Swollen After Pedicure soap

Nearly Fell asleep in the bath-tub. A good hour-long soak in hot water, soap and Sigur Ros. Had forgotten how much I liked them.Very simple music That fills me with a longing for ... Who knows what. I wish I could make music Like That. Not much in it, just FEW Exactly the right notes.

It looks like I Will not Be Going out tonight. Am I missing anything out there?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kates Playground Free Shower Ein vogel in kopf ....

Drunken owl stopped by German police, to Be Released When He sobers up

Arginine Ethyl Ester Gh Release

Dear soy_dobra, congratulations and you meet many others, one by one, though, and have a really good day and remember. Since I know you really like the blond guy, there you have it in the foreground, for whatever you like to do with it, with permission from brunette that is on your side, be happy besazo

Monday, January 17, 2011

Homemade Electronic Goose Call

According To BBC Radio 4's 'Today', 17th of January is the gloomiest, bleakest day of the year, in the middle of winter But with the cheer of Christmas long gone now .... That'll Be today ..

Good morning!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Needle Free Insulin India flavius_m @ 2011-01-03T09: 11:00

Last night, Attending [info] sahra_patroness 's birthday celebration, I Went To Some Mexican restaurant in Soho Which the owners seem Unable to decide whether it's called El Camino (' the road ') or the truck ('the truck', word Used in Mexico to denote a bus Rather Than a lorry). It was good-for eleven I liked the food, But I Spent A Little More Than I Intended-damn Negra Modelo Mexican beer ....: P They jump up on to Garlic and Shots But I Was a little tired by then. And skint. Nothing changes file there, then. Very good evening, though. There'll Be Some

Some pictures at point.

Today, a couple of lessons and errands and not a lot more. Will try and go to the gym, get some of my accounts for the taxman done and practise some guitar. Well, if I manage to fit all that in ....