He claims to live 70 years without food or water. His body shows no signs of malnutrition and could hide a secret that the Indian Defense Department hopes to seize.
Prahlad Jani is kept under close observation in the hospital in Ahmedabad, India. He was hospitalized for six days, and since then has not touched food or water. The Defense Department is monitoring it closely to see if this man is really able to live as he says: Jani said not to touch solid food or liquid for seventy years.
Her secret could save lives and help the soldiers in emergency situations. According to doctors who examined him his body, despite his advanced age, shows no signs of malnutrition or dehydration. Jani told his story: he left the parental home to seven years to venture alone into the world as 'wandering sadhu'. Sasdhu literally means 'holy man', and is a figure of the Hindu faith. It is believed that a life force flows through the body of these shamans able to live with the only spiritual force.
Jani believes to be supported by a goddess who feeds him with a 'elixir' through a hole in her palate. The analysis of a medical specialist in supernatural studies have confirmed its ability to live without support, but other doctors were unwilling to learn, branded a 'fraudster of poor people'.
Given your interest, it seems that the Defense Department basically believe it: they think that Jani can teach them how to survive i
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