Saturday, April 10, 2010

Avastin Swollen Ankles


VALLADOLID, 10 Abr. (IRIN) - Valladolid

writer Gustavo Martín Garzo will support platforms contrary to Centralized Temporary Storage (ATC) in the demonstration to be held tomorrow at 12.00 in Valladolid, according to Europa Press sources of these groups. Martín Garzo

accompany the marchers on the routegone through the center of the city, starting in the Colony Square will continue for Recoletos Acera, Plaza de Zorrilla and Santiago Street and ends in the Plaza Mayor, where the novelist make a Intervenció n.

The three platforms - north of Palencia, Soria and Torrubia of Tierra de Campos Viva - appreciated the support and Gustavo Martín Garzo castellanoleonesa invited all to join them and say 'no' firmly against the "nuclear graveyard."

"Castilla y León is today the community most likely to hold the stock becausethe irregular placement process undertaken by the Ministry of Industry, who left to mayors blinded by the money promised by the fate of thousands of people and because of the great political and social opposition to has occurred in recent months in other regions, "said the platforms.

spokesmen, pointing out that should ademása the "laziness of the Board to ignore the serious impact on health and economy of the people of the Region have the cemetery and its commitment to use the affected regions as a bargaining chip in negociacions with the Government has undertaken to install the ATC in Castilla and Leon if he reverses his plan to close the old Central Nuclear de Santa María de Garona (Burgos), scheduled for July 2013. "

why platforms require the Ministry to withdraw its plan to sue the Board construccióny to "look after the interests of its people and to oppose the government plan as have the governments of Catalonia a, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Valencia.


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